The success of a plant depends on proper installation and maintenance. Acceptable soil, sufficient water and adequate drainage are all necessary for plants to live. Some reading on modern planting techniques is recommended to help insure success.
Usually, plant mortality is due to lack of proper care after installation or poor site selection for a particular variety. Over or under watering for site conditions constitute approximately 70% of the plant mortality problems we see in landscape plants and 90% in house plants. Do not over-fertilize upon planting.
We will be glad to answer your gardening questions. Call the nursery if you have any questions about planting procedures.
Review our Plant Warranty.
Did you select a proper site for the requirements of the plant?
Never carry a B & B plant by the trunk alone, always support rootball.
Do not bury the graft (if present) or any part of the trunk --- Plant High!
Do not roughen root ball (untangle or cut roots) unless you have personal experience with this procedure; it can case great harm to the plant if done improperly. Call the Nursery if in doubt.
Containerized Plants: Watering a plant first will make it easier to get it out of the pot.
Balled & Burlapped: Do not remove burlap from rootball. Cut twine at the base of the truck after hole is half-way backfilled. Fold back or cut away top portion of burlap and finish backfilling. (Burlap decomposes in the soil.) Don't remove wire basket if present.
Optional: Add Root Master B1 that contains Naphtahalene Acetic Acid to the water to stimulate new growth.
Did you select a proper site for the requirements of the plant?
Plant bare root plants within 2 days of taking them home. If your bare root plant cannot be installed the same day it is taken home maintain in an area out of direct sun and protected from freezing — like a garage. Keep roots in plastic bag if present or heel in the ground at a temporary location. Keep roots covered and moist at all times!. Shredded, wet newspaper works if mulch is not available. Before planting, soak roots in a trash can or bucket filled with water for 30 –60 minutes or heavily saturate root-zone with water after planting.
Do not bury the graft (if present) or any part of the trunk — plant high
Optional: Add Root Master B-1™ that contains Naphthalene Acetic Acid to water to stimulate new root growth.